2024 FALL

Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Viktor Pankratov 2 Probabilistic topic modeling Vorontsov K.V. Paper,Code,Slides
Konstantin Yakovlev 1 Tensor Methods in Federated Learning Gasnikov A.V. Publication 1, Publication 2
Gregory Ksenofontov 1 Discrete Schrödinger Bridges Korotin A.A. Publication, Code, Slides

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Galina Boeva 2 Efficient aggregation by labels for the problem of event sequences Zaytsev A. A. Publication, Paper, Slides, Code
Nikita Kornilov 2 Optimal Flow Matching: Learning Straight Trajectroies in Just One Step Gasnikov A.V. Publication, Paper, Slides, Code
Eduard Vladimirov 2 Generative Causal Inference for BCI Strijov V.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Arina Chumachenko 2 Controlled Image Editing Mechanisms Based on Diffusion Models Oseledets I.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Marat Khusainov 2 Understanding the plasticity of neural networks employed in GFlowNets Samsonov S.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Kseniia Petrushina 2 Detection of Hallucinations in Multimodal Models Based on Internal Representations Alexander Panchenko Paper, Slides, Code
German Gritsai 2 Verification of artificially generated text fragments Grabovoy A. V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code
Ildar Khabutdinov 2 Исправление Грамматических Ошибок в Домене Низкоресурсных Языков Grabovoy A. V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides
Bair Mikhailov 2 Сегментация и объяснимое машинное обучение в задачах радиологии Dylov D.V Slides, Poster, Code

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Nikita Kiselev 1 Unraveling the Hessian: A Key to Smooth Convergence in Loss Function Landscapes Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Daniil Dorin 1 Декодирование визуальных стимулов из мультимодальных сигналов мозга Grabovoy A.V. Publication, Paper1, Paper2, Code1, code2, Slides
Kirill Semkin 1 Time series classification in parameters space using NeuralODE Strijov V.V. Paper,Code,Slides,
Andrey Veprikov 1 The optimal control problem in artificial intelligence systems with feedback loop Khritankov A.S. Paper, Code,Slides
Ilgam Latypov 1 γ-Competitiveness: An Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization with High Computation Costs in Lipschitz Functions Dorn Y.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Ignashin Igor 1 Stochastic Correspondences Frank-Wolfe Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Babkin Petr 1 Position Informed Convolution for Multi-Agent Curve Detection Shubin N.Y. Paper1, Code1, Paper2, Code2, Slides
Terentyev Alexander 4 Inverse problems in modeling neural partial differential equations Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Nasyrov Ruslan 1 Decomposition of uncertainty in neural networks Zaytsev A. A. Paper, Code, Slides
Zabarianska Iryna 1 Параметрические методы решения задачи о мосте Шредингера Alexander Korotin Paper, Code, Slides
Nikitina Maria 1 Методы векторного представления глубоких генеративных моделей Bakhteev O. Yu. Bishuk A. Yu. Paper, Code, Slides
Kreinin Matvei 1 Генерация обучающей выборки с помощью ограниченного набора данных Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Sapronov Yuri 1 Solving the ranking problem with continuous optimization methods Gasnikov A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Voznyuk Anastasia 1 Анализ неопределенности и внутренних представлений языковых моделей для поиска сгенерированных документов Grabovoy A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Code, Slides
Okhotnikov Nikita 1 Improving algorithmic alignment with autoregressive memory Grabovoy A.V. Slides, Code, Paper

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Papay Ivan 4 Ordinal Classification Using Partially Ordered Feature Sets Strijov V.V. Code Paper Slides
Meshkov Vladislav 4 ConvNets Landscape Convergence: Hessian-Based Analysis of Matricized Networks Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Stepanov Ilia 4 The use of synthetic data obtained using a generative neural network to improve the quality of detection models Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Nabiev Muhammadsharif 4 Inductive Bias in Model Selection Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Code, Slides
Zadvornov Egor 4 Forecasting social trends with high volatility Malkov A. S. Paper, Code, Slides
Rebrikov Aleksei 4 Investigation of Neural Network Sparsification Mechanisms Based on Weight Importance Beznosikov A.N. Paper, Code, Slides
Firsov Sergey 4 Neural architecture search with target hardware control Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Code, Slides
Khafizov Fanis 4 Adaptive Compression in Distributed Optimization Beznosikov A.N. Paper, Code, Slides
Eynullayev Altay 4 Forecasting models in riemannian phase space Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Rubtsov Denis 4 Сходимость с оценкой вероятностей больших отклонений для задач выпуклой оптимизации и седловых задач в условиях повышенной гладкости [Gasnikov A.V.] Paper, Code, Slides
Kasiuk Vadim 4 Application of compression operators in distributed optimization problems Beznosikov A.N. Paper, Code, Slides
Fedor Sobolevsky 4 Application of Large Language Models for Hierarchical Summarization of Scientific Texts Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Slides
Anastasiia Linich 4 Топологический анализ математических доказательств, генерируемых большими языковыми моделями на формальном языке Lean4 Barannikov S.A. Code, Paper, Slides
Karpeev Gleb 4 Порождающие модели для прогнозирования (наборов временных рядов) в метрическом вероятностном пространстве Strijov V.V. Code, Paper, Slides


Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Vasiliy Alekseev 4 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Paper1, Paper2, Paper3; Slides1, Slides2
Novitskii Vasilii 3 New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code, Text
Alexey Grishanov 2 Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization Vorontsov K.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Code, Slides
Panchenko Sviatoslav 2 Graph diffusion models for the task of brain signal decoding Strijov V.V. Code, Slides, Paper1
Pavel Severilov 2 Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity Strijov V.V. Paper1 Paper2 Thesis, Code, Slides Paper1
Denis Tikhonov 2 Attractor reconstruction for linearized system with miltilinear map Strijov V.V. Code, Slides Paper1
Viktor Pankratov 1 Probabilistic topic modeling Vorontsov K.V. Paper,Code,Slides

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Klypa Roman 2 Generative modeling for protein structure and interactions Grudinin S.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Kovaleva Maria 2 Addition of external information for enhancement of local embeddings for event sequences data models Zaytsev A. A. Paper, Thesis, Slides, Code
Ksenofontov Gregory 2 Adversarial Schrödinger Bridges Roman Isachenko Code, Slides, Draft, Draft
Konstantin Yakovlev 2 Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Slides, Code
Tolmachev Alexander 2 Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks Alexey Frolov Paper, Paper2, Slides
Polina Barabanshchikova 2 Tverberg type theorems Polyanskii A.A. Draft, Slides, Code
Alkin Emil 2 Expressive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks, II Ivan Oseledets Draft, Slides, Code

First Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Boeva Galina 1 Label Attention Network for Temporal Sets prediction Zaytsev A. A. Full Paper Paper, Slides, Code
Chumachenko Arina 1 Machine learning methods for functional brain mapping Sharaev M. G. Paper, Slides, Code
Marat Khusainov 1 Adaptive sampling methods using diffusion models Samsonov S.V. Paper, Slides , Code
Kornilov Nikita 1 Optimal Flow Matching Gasnikov A.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Kseniia Petrushina 1 Quantifying image realism via language model reasonings Alexander Panchenko Paper, Slides , Code
Parviz Karimov 1 Representation learning for collections of data Isachenko R.V. Paper, Slides, Code
Dmitry Protasov 1 Automatic Music Transcription Ivan Matveev Paper, Slides, Code
German Gritsai 1 Automatic Detection of Machine Generated Texts Grabovoy A. V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Nikita Kiselev 4 Bayesian Sample Size Estimation Grabovoy A. V. Thesis, Paper 1, Code 1, Paper 2, Code 2, Slides
Andrey Veprikov 4 A Mathematical Model of the Hidden Feedback Loop Effect in Machine Learning Systems Khritankov A.S. Paper, Code, Slides
Ilgam Latypov 4 Balancing Efficiency and Interpretability: A New Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization with High Computation Costs in Lipschitz Functions Dorn Y.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Anna Remizova 4 reducing the dimension of the space of the trainable parameters in the domain adaptation problem Grabovoy A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Anastasia Voznyuk 4 Detection of machine-generated fragments based on text style change analysis Grabovoy A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Dorin Daniil 4 Spatial-temporal characteristics in the time series decoding Grabovoy A. V. Paper 1, Code 1, Paper 2, Code 2, Slides
Semkin Kirill 4 Tensor decomposition and forecast for multidimensional time series Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Nikitina Maria 4 Analysis of distribution bias in contrastive learning Isachenko R.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Babkin Petr 4 Differential Neural Ensemble Search with Diversity Control Bakhteev O.Yu. Paper, Code, Slides
Ignashin Igor 4 Bayesian distillation of transformer-based models Grabovoy A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Terentyev Alexander 4 Classification of trajectories of dynamic systems using physically-informed neural networks Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Matvei Kreinin 4 Methods with preconditioning and weight decaying Beznosikov A.N. Paper, Code, Slides
Alexander Bogdanov 4 Application of zero-order stochastic approximation with memoization technique in the Frank-Wolfe algorithm Beznosikov A.N. Paper, Code, Slides
Okhotnikov Nikita 4 Interconnected latent representations for outfit generation task Isachenko R.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Oleinik Mikhail 4 Knowledge distillation in deep neural networks using model structure alignment methods Bakhteev O.Y. Paper, Code, Slides

2023 FALL

Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Viktor Pankratov 1 Probabilistic topic modeling Vorontsov K.V. Paper,Code,Slides
Pavel Severilov 2 Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alexey Grishanov 2 Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization Vorontsov K.V. Paper 1, Paper 2 - under review, Code, Slides
Novitskii Vasilii 3 New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code
Vasiliy Alekseev 4 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Conf1 (Slides1), Slides2
Tikhonov Denis 2 Dimensionality reduction of tensor phase spaces in nonlinear dynamical system reconstruction Strijov V.V. (Slides), Code
Panchenko Sviatoslav 2 Graph Diffusion models for human brain activity decoding Strijov V.V. Paper, Slides, Code

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Rustem Islamov 2 Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. Paper, Code, Slides
Kovaleva Maria 2 Addition of global information for enhancement of local embeddings for transactional data models Zaytsev A.A Paper, Slides
Tolmachev Alexander 2 Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks Alexey Frolov Paper, Slides
Klypa Roman 2 Generative modeling for protein structure and interactions Grudinin S.V. Slides, Code
Polina Barabanshchikova 2 Tverberg type theorems Polyanskii A.A. Paper, Slides
Konstantin Yakovlev 2 Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Slides, Code
Ksenofontov Gregory 2 Adversarial Schrödinger Bridges Roman Isachenko Code, Slides, Draft
Alkin Emil 2 Expressive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks, II Ivan Oseledets Draft, Slides, Code

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication  
Yakovlev Konstantin 1 Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Code, Slides  
Galina Boeva 1 Identifying the relationship between labels using an attention-based algorithm for the Next Basket Recommendation task Zaytsev A.A Paper Code Slides  
Bair Mikhailov 1 Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Dylov D.V Slides  
Pavel Bartenev 1 MRI data augmentation via conditional generative 3D inpainting Maxim Sharaev Slides Code  
Kseniia Petrushina 1 Detection of hallucinations of language models Alexander Panchenko Slides Code  
Arina Chumachenko 1 Machine learning methods for functional brain mapping Maxim Sharaev Slides Code
Nikita Kornilov 1 Intermediate Gradients Methods with Relative Inexactness Alexandr Gasnikov Slides Code Paper  
Dmitry Protasov 1 Automatic Music Transcription Ivan Matveev Slides Code Draft  
Parviz Karimov 1 Representation learning for data point groups Roman Isachenko Slides Draft  
Eduard Vladimirov 1 Adversarial attacks on neural networks for time series Zaytsev A.A Slides Code Draft  
Zharov Georgiy 1 Search for an effective architecture for solving the problem of obtaining multimodal embeddings for three or more modalities   Slides Code  

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Antyshev Tikhon 4 Gradient Sliding for Saddle Point problems with one composite Gasnikov A. V. Code Paper Slides
Kiselev Nikita 4 Bayesian Sample Size Estimation Grabovoy A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Kreinin Matvei 4 On methods with preconditioning and weight decaying Beznosikov A. N. Paper, Code, Slides
Ilgam Latypov 4 Research On multicriteria optimization using Shapley Value Dorn Y.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Anastasiia Vozniuk 4 Detection of Machine-Generated Fragments in Text Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Terentyev Alexander 4 Classification of trajectories of dynamic systems with physics-informed neural networks Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Veprikov Andrey 4 A mathematical model of the hidden feedback loop effects in machine learning systems Khritankov A.S. Paper, Code, Slides
Ignashin Igor 4 Bayesian distilation of transformer-based models Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Remizova Anna 4 Altering latent representation in the audio style transfer task Grabovoy A.V. Paper, Code, Slides, Paper handwritten draft
Babkin Petr 4 Differential neural ensemble search with diversity control Bakhteev O.Y. Paper, Code, Slides
Nikitina Maria 4 Analysis of distribution bias in contrastive learning Isachenko R.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Oleinik Mikhail 4 Knowledge distillation in deep neural networks using model structure alignment methods Bakhteev O.Y. Paper, Code, Slides
Semkin Kirill 4 Tensor-SSA method in application to time series decomposition Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Bogdanov Alexander 4 New Aspects of Black Box Conditional Gradient: Variance Reduction and One Point Feedback Beznosikov A. N. Paper, Code, Slides
Dorin Daniil 4 Spatial-temporal characteristics in the time series decoding Grabovoy A. V. Paper, Code, Slides
Okhotnikov Nikita 4 Interconnected latent representations for outfit generation task Isachenko R.V. Paper, Code, Slides


Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Pavel Severilov 1 Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity Strijov V.V. Code, Slides
Grishanov Alexey 1 Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Panchenko Sviatoslav 1 Graph Diffusion Models for the Task of Signal Decoding Strijov V.V. Paper (Translated, draft), Code, Slides (IDP conf.)
Vasilii Novitskii 2 New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code
Alina Samokhina 2 Continous-in-time representations of signals Strijov V.V. Code old, Paper draft, Slides
Vasiliy Alekseev 3 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Paper (draft), Slides
Aleksei Goncharov 4 Space-time series alignment models Strijov V.V. Papers, Slides, Thesis
Petr Ostroukhov 4 Tensor Methods for Convex Functions Minimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper, Slides
Denis Kuznetsov 4 Neural network models of dialogue on general topics Burtsev M.S. Paper with Code
Radoslav Neychev 4 Informative prior in privileged learning Strijov V.V. Old paper, Paper 1, New paper 2 (in blind review for now)

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Rustem Islamov 2 Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. Paper, Code, Slides
Filatov Andrei 2 Text interfaces for event sequences Strijov V.V. Paper, Slides
Shokorov Viacheslav 2 Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles Vetrov D.P. Text (draft) Slides, Code
Safiullin Robert 2 Multimodel representation of dynamic systems Strijov V.V. Paper Slides, Code
Bishuk Anton 2 Controlled Graph Generation Zukhba A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Pankratov Viktor 2 Probabilistic topic modeling Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Grebenkova Olga 2 Automatic detection of focal cortical dysplasia for sparse data representation Burnaev E Draft, Code, Slides Paper
Nadezhda Alsahanova 2 Selection of tensor representations for multiview forecasting Strijov V.V. Draft, Code, Slides

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Yakovlev Konstantin 1 Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data Bakhteev O. Y. Paper, Code, Slides
Kovaleva Maria 1 Neural architecture search with early stopping Alexey Zaytsev Code, Slides, Draft
Ksenofontov Gregory 1 Analysis of generative modeling methods based on Schrödinger bridges Roman Isachenko Code, Slides, Draft
Polina Barabanshchikova 1 Helly type problems for d-intervals Polyanskii A.A. Paper, Slides
Tolmachev Alexander 1 Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks Alexey Frolov Paper, Slides
Alkin Emil 1 Expessive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks Oseledets I. V. Slides, Code

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Antyshev Tikhon 4 Gradient Sliding for Saddle Point problems with one composite Gasnikov A. V. Code Paper Slides
Kornilov Nikita 4 Gradient Free Methods for Non-Smooth Convex Stochastic Optimization with Heavy Tails on Convex Compact Gasnikov A. V. Code Paper Slides
Lukyanenko Ivan 4 Detection of manipulations and its targets in news texts Vorontsov K.V. Code, Text, Slides
Zharov Georgiy 4 Classification of manipulative fragments in news texts Vorontsov K.V. Code, Slides
Vladimirov Eduard 4 Choosing a state space model in a neural decoding problem Strijov V.V. Code1, Code2, Slides
Molozhavenko Alexander 4 Solution of a block multidimensional eigenvalues search problem Gasnikov A.V. Slides, Code


Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Vasiliy Alekseev 3 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Paper (conf.)
Grishanov Alexey 1 Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides (Sber AI Lab seminar)
Panchenko Sviatoslav 1 Graph Diffusion Models for the Task of Signal Decoding Strijov V.V. Paper (Article, draft), Code, Slides (IDP conf.)
Denis 1 Dimension reduction of tensor phase spaces in dynamical system simulation Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alina Samokhina 2 Continous-in-time representations of signals Strijov V.V. Code old, Paper published, Paper draft, Slides
Vasilii Novitskii 2 New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code
Polina Potapova 3 Topic modeling for multilingual topic search Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Andrei Filatov 2 Infinite transformers Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Rustem Islamov 2 Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. Paper, Code, Slides
Bishuk Anton 2 Controlled Graph Generation Zukhba A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Grebenkova Olga 2 Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia Burnaev E Slides Acceptance letter
Safiullin Robert 2 Multimodel representation of dynamic systems Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Shokorov Viacheslav 2 Deep ensembles bootstrapping Vetrov D.P. Notes, Code
Pankratov Viktor 2 Probabilistic topic modeling Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alsahanova Nadezhda 2 Selection of tensor representations for multiview forecasting Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Maria Kovaleva 1 Research of efficient transformers Alexey Zaytsev Paper, Code, Slides
Roman Klypa 1 Combination of geometrical learning and language models for bioinformatics Grudinin S.V. Slides
Polina Barabanshchikova 1 Helly type problems for d-intervals Polyanskii A.A. Paper, Slides
Ksenofontov Gregory 1 Creating a personalized avatar of a person for a virtual fitting of clothes Vorontsov K.V., Yanina A.O. Slides
Yakovlev Konstantin 1 Concordant Neural Architecture Search on multi-domain data Bakhteev O.Y. Slides

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Eduard Vladimirov 4 Ways to account for data noise in a Neural ODE model Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Antyshev Tikhon 4 Zero-order Mirror Descent for Saddle Point Problems Gasnikov A.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Ivan Lukyanenko 4 Joint NER and RE in manipulation news Vorontsov K.V. Code Slides
Kornilov Nikita 4 Gradient Free Optimization with Infinite Variance Gasnikov A.V. Paper, Slides
Georgiy Zharov 4 Search for manipulations and their relations with named entities in texts Vorontsov K.V. Slides
Molozhavenko Alexander 4 Solution of a block multidimensional eigenvalues search problem Gasnikov A.V. Slides, Code


Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Andrey Grabovoy 1 Bayesian Distilation Strijov V.V. Code, Thesis
Alina Samokhina 1 Continous-time representation for signal decoding Strijov V.V. Code, Paper, Slides
Nikitin Filipp 2 Generation and selection of graph neural network models in the problem of organic chemistry Strijov V. V. Code
Polina Potapova 2 Topic modeling for multilingual topic search Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code
Vasiliy Alekseev 2 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Paper (not visible), Code (private)
Ostroukhov Petr 3 Tensor methods for convex optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2
Kamil Safin 3 Combined methods for text plagiarism detection Chehovich Y.V. Paper
Denis Kuznetsov 3 Neural network models of dialogue on general topics Burtsev M.S. Paper_1, Paper_2
Ilia Zharikov 4 Neural network methods for document image recognition Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alex Goncharov 3 Space-time series alignment models Strijov V.V. Papers, Slides

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Petr Mokrov 2 Wasserstein gradient flows: modeling and applications Burnaev E.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Denis Tikhonov 2 Quasiperiodic time signals classification with spherical harmonics Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Natalia Varenik 2 Building a connectivity map of functional groups in the problem of decoding brain signals Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alexey Grigorev 2 Regularization of neural layer via construction of frame in parameter space Gneushev A.N. Slides, Code, Paper
Kolesov Aleksandr 2 Adverasrial method for Transfer Learning based on Optimal Transport Bakhteev O.Y Paper, Code, Slides
Severilov Pavel 2 Choosing the optimal model in the problem of modeling dynamics of a physical system by neural networks Strijov V.V. Paper Slides Code Paper2
Panchenko Sviatoslav 2 Bilinearity of geometric product for the task of signal decoding Strijov V.V. Paper, Slides Code
Grishanov Alexey 2 Application of Reinforcement Learning for recommendation system personalization Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Slides, Сode

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Rustem Islamov 1 Basis Matters: Better Communication-Efficient Second Order Methods for Federated Learning Richtarik P., Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Bishuk Anton 1 Controlled graph generation using the variational autoencoder model Zukhba A.V. Report
Grebenkova Olga 1 Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia Burnaev E Report
Filatov Andrei 1 Novel view synthesis Lempitsky Victor Slides Code
Safiullin Robert 1 Multimodel representation of dynamic systems Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Pankratov Viktor 1 Topic balancing of topic models Vorontsov K.V. Code, Slides
Shokorov Viacheslav 1 Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles Vetrov D.P. Report Code

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Mariya Gorpinich 4 Metaparameter optimization in knowledge distillation Bakhteev O.Yu. Code, Slides, Paper
Vyacheslav Gorchakov 4 Importance Sampling Approach to Chance-Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow Maximov Y.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Antonina Kurdyukova 4 Dimensionality reduction of the phase space in canonical correlation analisys Strijov V.V., Isachenko R.V. Code, Slides, Paper
Anton Pilkevich 4 Optimization of the criterion given by the neural network model in the text detoxification task Strijov V.V. (Popov A.S.) Code, Slides,Paper
Konstantin Yakovlev 4 Selection of concordant architectures with complexity control Bakhteev O.Y. Paper Code, Slides
Khristolyubov Maxim 4 Approximation of the phase trajectory of the time series Strijov V.V. Paper Code, Slides

2021 FALL

Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate student Year PhD thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Andrey Grabovoy 1 A prior distribution of parameters in problems of choosing deep learning models Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Alina Samokhina 1 Continuous time representation for signal decoding Strijov V.V. Paper
Tamaz Gadaev 1 Multilinear model choice in forecasting problem Strijov V.V. Paper
Vasilii Novitskii 1 New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization Gasnikov A.V. Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code
Vasiliy Alekseev 2 Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models Vorontsov K.V. Paper, Code, Slides1, Slides2
Polina Potapova 2 Topic modeling for multilingual topic search Vorontsov K.V. Paper
Petr Ostroukhov 3 Tensor methods for optimization of convex functions Gasnikov A.V. Paper
Denis Kuznetsov 3 Neural network models of dialogue on general topics Burtsev M.S. Paper
Kamil Safin 3 Intrinsic methods for plagiarised texts detection Chehovich Y.V. Paper
Ilia Zharikov 4 Neural network methods for document image recognition Vorontsov K.V. Paper

Second Year Master Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Petr Mokrov 2 Wasserstein gradient flows: modeling and applications Burnaev E.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Denis Tikhonov 2 Model selection for quasiperiodic time series forecasting Strijov V.V. Code, Slides
Alexey Grigorev 2 Regularization of neural layer via construction of frame in parameter space Gneushev A.N. Slides, Code; Paper
Natalia Varenik 2 Building a connectivity map of functional groups in the problem of decoding brain signals Strijov V.V. Paper Slides Code
Severilov Pavel 2 Differential analysis of phase spaces in the problem of decoding signals Strijov V.V. Slides Code
Panchenko Sviatoslav 2 Bilinearity of geometric product for the task of signal decoding Strijov V.V. Slides
Grishanov Alexey 2 Application of Reinforcement Learning for recommendation system personalization Vorontsov K.V. Slides, Сode
Kolesov Aleksandr 2 Adversarial approach for transfer learning Bahteev O.Yu. Paper, Slides, Сode

First Year Master Students

Student Year Topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Rustem Islamov 1 Second Order Methods for Federated Learning Richtarik P, Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Grebenkova Olga 1 Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia Burnaev E Paper, Code, Slides
Safiullin Robert 1 Substance properties analysis based on its SERS spectra Strijov V.V. Report, Slides
Pankratov Viktor 1 Topic balancing of topic models Vorontsov K.V. Report,Code
Filatov Andrei 1 Task Discovery Victor Lempitsky Strijov V.V. Report
Bishuk Anton 1 Controlled graph generation using the variational autoencoder model Zukhba A.V. Report
Shokorov Viacheslav 1 Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles Vetrov D.P. Report Code

Fourth Year Bachelor Students

Student Year Thesis topic Scientific adviser Link to publication
Antonina Kurdyukova 4 Phase detection of human motions with signals of wearable devices Strijov V.V. Paper, Code, Slides
Anton Pilkevich 4 Clustering of news text messages based on polar opinions Vorontsov K.V.  
Gorpinich Mariya 4 Metaparameter optimization in knowledge distillation Bakhteev O.Yu. Paper, Code, Slides
Vyacheslav Gorchakov 4 Importance Sampling Approach to Chance-Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow Maximov Y.V. Paper, Code
Konstantin Yakovlev 4 Selection of concordant architectures with complexity control Bakhteev O.Y. Code, Slides