2024 FALL
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Viktor Pankratov | 2 | Probabilistic topic modeling | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper,Code,Slides |
Konstantin Yakovlev | 1 | Tensor Methods in Federated Learning | Gasnikov A.V. | Publication 1, Publication 2 |
Gregory Ksenofontov | 1 | Discrete Schrödinger Bridges | Korotin A.A. | Publication, Code, Slides |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Galina Boeva | 2 | Efficient aggregation by labels for the problem of event sequences | Zaytsev A. A. | Publication, Paper, Slides, Code |
Nikita Kornilov | 2 | Optimal Flow Matching: Learning Straight Trajectroies in Just One Step | Gasnikov A.V. | Publication, Paper, Slides, Code |
Eduard Vladimirov | 2 | Generative Causal Inference for BCI | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Arina Chumachenko | 2 | Controlled Image Editing Mechanisms Based on Diffusion Models | Oseledets I.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Marat Khusainov | 2 | Understanding the plasticity of neural networks employed in GFlowNets | Samsonov S.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Kseniia Petrushina | 2 | Detection of Hallucinations in Multimodal Models Based on Internal Representations | Alexander Panchenko | Paper, Slides, Code |
German Gritsai | 2 | Verification of artificially generated text fragments | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code |
Ildar Khabutdinov | 2 | Исправление Грамматических Ошибок в Домене Низкоресурсных Языков | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides |
Bair Mikhailov | 2 | Сегментация и объяснимое машинное обучение в задачах радиологии | Dylov D.V | Slides, Poster, Code |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Nikita Kiselev | 1 | Unraveling the Hessian: A Key to Smooth Convergence in Loss Function Landscapes | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Daniil Dorin | 1 | Декодирование визуальных стимулов из мультимодальных сигналов мозга | Grabovoy A.V. | Publication, Paper1, Paper2, Code1, code2, Slides |
Kirill Semkin | 1 | Time series classification in parameters space using NeuralODE | Strijov V.V. | Paper,Code,Slides, |
Andrey Veprikov | 1 | The optimal control problem in artificial intelligence systems with feedback loop | Khritankov A.S. | Paper, Code,Slides |
Ilgam Latypov | 1 | γ-Competitiveness: An Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization with High Computation Costs in Lipschitz Functions | Dorn Y.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ignashin Igor | 1 | Stochastic Correspondences Frank-Wolfe | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Babkin Petr | 1 | Position Informed Convolution for Multi-Agent Curve Detection | Shubin N.Y. | Paper1, Code1, Paper2, Code2, Slides |
Terentyev Alexander | 4 | Inverse problems in modeling neural partial differential equations | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Nasyrov Ruslan | 1 | Decomposition of uncertainty in neural networks | Zaytsev A. A. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Zabarianska Iryna | 1 | Параметрические методы решения задачи о мосте Шредингера | Alexander Korotin | Paper, Code, Slides |
Nikitina Maria | 1 | Методы векторного представления глубоких генеративных моделей | Bakhteev O. Yu. Bishuk A. Yu. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Kreinin Matvei | 1 | Генерация обучающей выборки с помощью ограниченного набора данных | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Sapronov Yuri | 1 | Solving the ranking problem with continuous optimization methods | Gasnikov A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Voznyuk Anastasia | 1 | Анализ неопределенности и внутренних представлений языковых моделей для поиска сгенерированных документов | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Code, Slides |
Okhotnikov Nikita | 1 | Improving algorithmic alignment with autoregressive memory | Grabovoy A.V. | Slides, Code, Paper |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Papay Ivan | 4 | Ordinal Classification Using Partially Ordered Feature Sets | Strijov V.V. | Code Paper Slides |
Meshkov Vladislav | 4 | ConvNets Landscape Convergence: Hessian-Based Analysis of Matricized Networks | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Stepanov Ilia | 4 | The use of synthetic data obtained using a generative neural network to improve the quality of detection models | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Nabiev Muhammadsharif | 4 | Inductive Bias in Model Selection | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Zadvornov Egor | 4 | Forecasting social trends with high volatility | Malkov A. S. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Rebrikov Aleksei | 4 | Investigation of Neural Network Sparsification Mechanisms Based on Weight Importance | Beznosikov A.N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Firsov Sergey | 4 | Neural architecture search with target hardware control | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Khafizov Fanis | 4 | Adaptive Compression in Distributed Optimization | Beznosikov A.N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Eynullayev Altay | 4 | Forecasting models in riemannian phase space | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Rubtsov Denis | 4 | Сходимость с оценкой вероятностей больших отклонений для задач выпуклой оптимизации и седловых задач в условиях повышенной гладкости | [Gasnikov A.V.] | Paper, Code, Slides |
Kasiuk Vadim | 4 | Application of compression operators in distributed optimization problems | Beznosikov A.N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Fedor Sobolevsky | 4 | Application of Large Language Models for Hierarchical Summarization of Scientific Texts | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Slides |
Anastasiia Linich | 4 | Топологический анализ математических доказательств, генерируемых большими языковыми моделями на формальном языке Lean4 | Barannikov S.A. | Code, Paper, Slides |
Karpeev Gleb | 4 | Порождающие модели для прогнозирования (наборов временных рядов) в метрическом вероятностном пространстве | Strijov V.V. | Code, Paper, Slides |
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 4 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper1, Paper2, Paper3; Slides1, Slides2 |
Novitskii Vasilii | 3 | New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code, Text |
Alexey Grishanov | 2 | Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Code, Slides |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 2 | Graph diffusion models for the task of brain signal decoding | Strijov V.V. | Code, Slides, Paper1 |
Pavel Severilov | 2 | Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity | Strijov V.V. | Paper1 Paper2 Thesis, Code, Slides Paper1 |
Denis Tikhonov | 2 | Attractor reconstruction for linearized system with miltilinear map | Strijov V.V. | Code, Slides Paper1 |
Viktor Pankratov | 1 | Probabilistic topic modeling | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper,Code,Slides |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Klypa Roman | 2 | Generative modeling for protein structure and interactions | Grudinin S.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Kovaleva Maria | 2 | Addition of external information for enhancement of local embeddings for event sequences data models | Zaytsev A. A. | Paper, Thesis, Slides, Code |
Ksenofontov Gregory | 2 | Adversarial Schrödinger Bridges | Roman Isachenko | Code, Slides, Draft, Draft |
Konstantin Yakovlev | 2 | Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Tolmachev Alexander | 2 | Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks | Alexey Frolov | Paper, Paper2, Slides |
Polina Barabanshchikova | 2 | Tverberg type theorems | Polyanskii A.A. | Draft, Slides, Code |
Alkin Emil | 2 | Expressive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks, II | Ivan Oseledets | Draft, Slides, Code |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Boeva Galina | 1 | Label Attention Network for Temporal Sets prediction | Zaytsev A. A. | Full Paper Paper, Slides, Code |
Chumachenko Arina | 1 | Machine learning methods for functional brain mapping | Sharaev M. G. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Marat Khusainov | 1 | Adaptive sampling methods using diffusion models | Samsonov S.V. | Paper, Slides , Code |
Kornilov Nikita | 1 | Optimal Flow Matching | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Kseniia Petrushina | 1 | Quantifying image realism via language model reasonings | Alexander Panchenko | Paper, Slides , Code |
Parviz Karimov | 1 | Representation learning for collections of data | Isachenko R.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Dmitry Protasov | 1 | Automatic Music Transcription | Ivan Matveev | Paper, Slides, Code |
German Gritsai | 1 | Automatic Detection of Machine Generated Texts | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Nikita Kiselev | 4 | Bayesian Sample Size Estimation | Grabovoy A. V. | Thesis, Paper 1, Code 1, Paper 2, Code 2, Slides |
Andrey Veprikov | 4 | A Mathematical Model of the Hidden Feedback Loop Effect in Machine Learning Systems | Khritankov A.S. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ilgam Latypov | 4 | Balancing Efficiency and Interpretability: A New Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization with High Computation Costs in Lipschitz Functions | Dorn Y.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Anna Remizova | 4 | reducing the dimension of the space of the trainable parameters in the domain adaptation problem | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Anastasia Voznyuk | 4 | Detection of machine-generated fragments based on text style change analysis | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Dorin Daniil | 4 | Spatial-temporal characteristics in the time series decoding | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper 1, Code 1, Paper 2, Code 2, Slides |
Semkin Kirill | 4 | Tensor decomposition and forecast for multidimensional time series | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Nikitina Maria | 4 | Analysis of distribution bias in contrastive learning | Isachenko R.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Babkin Petr | 4 | Differential Neural Ensemble Search with Diversity Control | Bakhteev O.Yu. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ignashin Igor | 4 | Bayesian distillation of transformer-based models | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Terentyev Alexander | 4 | Classification of trajectories of dynamic systems using physically-informed neural networks | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Matvei Kreinin | 4 | Methods with preconditioning and weight decaying | Beznosikov A.N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alexander Bogdanov | 4 | Application of zero-order stochastic approximation with memoization technique in the Frank-Wolfe algorithm | Beznosikov A.N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Okhotnikov Nikita | 4 | Interconnected latent representations for outfit generation task | Isachenko R.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Oleinik Mikhail | 4 | Knowledge distillation in deep neural networks using model structure alignment methods | Bakhteev O.Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
2023 FALL
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Viktor Pankratov | 1 | Probabilistic topic modeling | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper,Code,Slides |
Pavel Severilov | 2 | Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alexey Grishanov | 2 | Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2 - under review, Code, Slides |
Novitskii Vasilii | 3 | New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Slides, Code |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 4 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Conf1 (Slides1), Slides2 |
Tikhonov Denis | 2 | Dimensionality reduction of tensor phase spaces in nonlinear dynamical system reconstruction | Strijov V.V. | (Slides), Code |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 2 | Graph Diffusion models for human brain activity decoding | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Rustem Islamov | 2 | Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation | Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Kovaleva Maria | 2 | Addition of global information for enhancement of local embeddings for transactional data models | Zaytsev A.A | Paper, Slides |
Tolmachev Alexander | 2 | Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks | Alexey Frolov | Paper, Slides |
Klypa Roman | 2 | Generative modeling for protein structure and interactions | Grudinin S.V. | Slides, Code |
Polina Barabanshchikova | 2 | Tverberg type theorems | Polyanskii A.A. | Paper, Slides |
Konstantin Yakovlev | 2 | Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Slides, Code |
Ksenofontov Gregory | 2 | Adversarial Schrödinger Bridges | Roman Isachenko | Code, Slides, Draft |
Alkin Emil | 2 | Expressive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks, II | Ivan Oseledets | Draft, Slides, Code |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication | |
Yakovlev Konstantin | 1 | Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Code, Slides | |
Galina Boeva | 1 | Identifying the relationship between labels using an attention-based algorithm for the Next Basket Recommendation task | Zaytsev A.A | Paper Code Slides | |
Bair Mikhailov | 1 | Undersampled MRI Reconstruction | Dylov D.V | Slides | |
Pavel Bartenev | 1 | MRI data augmentation via conditional generative 3D inpainting | Maxim Sharaev | Slides Code | |
Kseniia Petrushina | 1 | Detection of hallucinations of language models | Alexander Panchenko | Slides Code | |
Arina Chumachenko | 1 | Machine learning methods for functional brain mapping | Maxim Sharaev | Slides | Code |
Nikita Kornilov | 1 | Intermediate Gradients Methods with Relative Inexactness | Alexandr Gasnikov | Slides Code Paper | |
Dmitry Protasov | 1 | Automatic Music Transcription | Ivan Matveev | Slides Code Draft | |
Parviz Karimov | 1 | Representation learning for data point groups | Roman Isachenko | Slides Draft | |
Eduard Vladimirov | 1 | Adversarial attacks on neural networks for time series | Zaytsev A.A | Slides Code Draft | |
Zharov Georgiy | 1 | Search for an effective architecture for solving the problem of obtaining multimodal embeddings for three or more modalities | Slides Code |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Antyshev Tikhon | 4 | Gradient Sliding for Saddle Point problems with one composite | Gasnikov A. V. | Code Paper Slides |
Kiselev Nikita | 4 | Bayesian Sample Size Estimation | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Kreinin Matvei | 4 | On methods with preconditioning and weight decaying | Beznosikov A. N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ilgam Latypov | 4 | Research On multicriteria optimization using Shapley Value | Dorn Y.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Anastasiia Vozniuk | 4 | Detection of Machine-Generated Fragments in Text | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Terentyev Alexander | 4 | Classification of trajectories of dynamic systems with physics-informed neural networks | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Veprikov Andrey | 4 | A mathematical model of the hidden feedback loop effects in machine learning systems | Khritankov A.S. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ignashin Igor | 4 | Bayesian distilation of transformer-based models | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Remizova Anna | 4 | Altering latent representation in the audio style transfer task | Grabovoy A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides, Paper handwritten draft |
Babkin Petr | 4 | Differential neural ensemble search with diversity control | Bakhteev O.Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Nikitina Maria | 4 | Analysis of distribution bias in contrastive learning | Isachenko R.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Oleinik Mikhail | 4 | Knowledge distillation in deep neural networks using model structure alignment methods | Bakhteev O.Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Semkin Kirill | 4 | Tensor-SSA method in application to time series decomposition | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Bogdanov Alexander | 4 | New Aspects of Black Box Conditional Gradient: Variance Reduction and One Point Feedback | Beznosikov A. N. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Dorin Daniil | 4 | Spatial-temporal characteristics in the time series decoding | Grabovoy A. V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Okhotnikov Nikita | 4 | Interconnected latent representations for outfit generation task | Isachenko R.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Pavel Severilov | 1 | Decoding of multimodal signals of brain activity | Strijov V.V. | Code, Slides |
Grishanov Alexey | 1 | Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 1 | Graph Diffusion Models for the Task of Signal Decoding | Strijov V.V. | Paper (Translated, draft), Code, Slides (IDP conf.) |
Vasilii Novitskii | 2 | New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code |
Alina Samokhina | 2 | Continous-in-time representations of signals | Strijov V.V. | Code old, Paper draft, Slides |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 3 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper (draft), Slides |
Aleksei Goncharov | 4 | Space-time series alignment models | Strijov V.V. | Papers, Slides, Thesis |
Petr Ostroukhov | 4 | Tensor Methods for Convex Functions Minimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper, Slides |
Denis Kuznetsov | 4 | Neural network models of dialogue on general topics | Burtsev M.S. | Paper with Code |
Radoslav Neychev | 4 | Informative prior in privileged learning | Strijov V.V. | Old paper, Paper 1, New paper 2 (in blind review for now) |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Rustem Islamov | 2 | Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation | Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Filatov Andrei | 2 | Text interfaces for event sequences | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Slides |
Shokorov Viacheslav | 2 | Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles | Vetrov D.P. | Text (draft) Slides, Code |
Safiullin Robert | 2 | Multimodel representation of dynamic systems | Strijov V.V. | Paper Slides, Code |
Bishuk Anton | 2 | Controlled Graph Generation | Zukhba A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Pankratov Viktor | 2 | Probabilistic topic modeling | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Grebenkova Olga | 2 | Automatic detection of focal cortical dysplasia for sparse data representation | Burnaev E | Draft, Code, Slides Paper |
Nadezhda Alsahanova | 2 | Selection of tensor representations for multiview forecasting | Strijov V.V. | Draft, Code, Slides |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Yakovlev Konstantin | 1 | Concordant Neural Architecture Search on Multidomain Data | Bakhteev O. Y. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Kovaleva Maria | 1 | Neural architecture search with early stopping | Alexey Zaytsev | Code, Slides, Draft |
Ksenofontov Gregory | 1 | Analysis of generative modeling methods based on Schrödinger bridges | Roman Isachenko | Code, Slides, Draft |
Polina Barabanshchikova | 1 | Helly type problems for d-intervals | Polyanskii A.A. | Paper, Slides |
Tolmachev Alexander | 1 | Information Bottleneck Analysis of Deep Neural Networks | Alexey Frolov | Paper, Slides |
Alkin Emil | 1 | Expessive Power of Recurrent Neural Networks | Oseledets I. V. | Slides, Code |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Antyshev Tikhon | 4 | Gradient Sliding for Saddle Point problems with one composite | Gasnikov A. V. | Code Paper Slides |
Kornilov Nikita | 4 | Gradient Free Methods for Non-Smooth Convex Stochastic Optimization with Heavy Tails on Convex Compact | Gasnikov A. V. | Code Paper Slides |
Lukyanenko Ivan | 4 | Detection of manipulations and its targets in news texts | Vorontsov K.V. | Code, Text, Slides |
Zharov Georgiy | 4 | Classification of manipulative fragments in news texts | Vorontsov K.V. | Code, Slides |
Vladimirov Eduard | 4 | Choosing a state space model in a neural decoding problem | Strijov V.V. | Code1, Code2, Slides |
Molozhavenko Alexander | 4 | Solution of a block multidimensional eigenvalues search problem | Gasnikov A.V. | Slides, Code |
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 3 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Paper (conf.) |
Grishanov Alexey | 1 | Applying Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation Platform Personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides (Sber AI Lab seminar) |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 1 | Graph Diffusion Models for the Task of Signal Decoding | Strijov V.V. | Paper (Article, draft), Code, Slides (IDP conf.) |
Denis | 1 | Dimension reduction of tensor phase spaces in dynamical system simulation | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alina Samokhina | 2 | Continous-in-time representations of signals | Strijov V.V. | Code old, Paper published, Paper draft, Slides |
Vasilii Novitskii | 2 | New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code |
Polina Potapova | 3 | Topic modeling for multilingual topic search | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Andrei Filatov | 2 | Infinite transformers | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Rustem Islamov | 2 | Distributed Newton-Type Methods with Communication Compression and Bernoulli Aggregation | Strijov V.V., Richtarik P. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Bishuk Anton | 2 | Controlled Graph Generation | Zukhba A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Grebenkova Olga | 2 | Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia | Burnaev E | Slides Acceptance letter |
Safiullin Robert | 2 | Multimodel representation of dynamic systems | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Shokorov Viacheslav | 2 | Deep ensembles bootstrapping | Vetrov D.P. | Notes, Code |
Pankratov Viktor | 2 | Probabilistic topic modeling | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alsahanova Nadezhda | 2 | Selection of tensor representations for multiview forecasting | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Maria Kovaleva | 1 | Research of efficient transformers | Alexey Zaytsev | Paper, Code, Slides |
Roman Klypa | 1 | Combination of geometrical learning and language models for bioinformatics | Grudinin S.V. | Slides |
Polina Barabanshchikova | 1 | Helly type problems for d-intervals | Polyanskii A.A. | Paper, Slides |
Ksenofontov Gregory | 1 | Creating a personalized avatar of a person for a virtual fitting of clothes | Vorontsov K.V., Yanina A.O. | Slides |
Yakovlev Konstantin | 1 | Concordant Neural Architecture Search on multi-domain data | Bakhteev O.Y. | Slides |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Eduard Vladimirov | 4 | Ways to account for data noise in a Neural ODE model | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Antyshev Tikhon | 4 | Zero-order Mirror Descent for Saddle Point Problems | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Ivan Lukyanenko | 4 | Joint NER and RE in manipulation news | Vorontsov K.V. | Code Slides |
Kornilov Nikita | 4 | Gradient Free Optimization with Infinite Variance | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper, Slides |
Georgiy Zharov | 4 | Search for manipulations and their relations with named entities in texts | Vorontsov K.V. | Slides |
Molozhavenko Alexander | 4 | Solution of a block multidimensional eigenvalues search problem | Gasnikov A.V. | Slides, Code |
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Andrey Grabovoy | 1 | Bayesian Distilation | Strijov V.V. | Code, Thesis |
Alina Samokhina | 1 | Continous-time representation for signal decoding | Strijov V.V. | Code, Paper, Slides |
Nikitin Filipp | 2 | Generation and selection of graph neural network models in the problem of organic chemistry | Strijov V. V. | Code |
Polina Potapova | 2 | Topic modeling for multilingual topic search | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 2 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper (not visible), Code (private) |
Ostroukhov Petr | 3 | Tensor methods for convex optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2 |
Kamil Safin | 3 | Combined methods for text plagiarism detection | Chehovich Y.V. | Paper |
Denis Kuznetsov | 3 | Neural network models of dialogue on general topics | Burtsev M.S. | Paper_1, Paper_2 |
Ilia Zharikov | 4 | Neural network methods for document image recognition | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alex Goncharov | 3 | Space-time series alignment models | Strijov V.V. | Papers, Slides |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Petr Mokrov | 2 | Wasserstein gradient flows: modeling and applications | Burnaev E.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Denis Tikhonov | 2 | Quasiperiodic time signals classification with spherical harmonics | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Natalia Varenik | 2 | Building a connectivity map of functional groups in the problem of decoding brain signals | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alexey Grigorev | 2 | Regularization of neural layer via construction of frame in parameter space | Gneushev A.N. | Slides, Code, Paper |
Kolesov Aleksandr | 2 | Adverasrial method for Transfer Learning based on Optimal Transport | Bakhteev O.Y | Paper, Code, Slides |
Severilov Pavel | 2 | Choosing the optimal model in the problem of modeling dynamics of a physical system by neural networks | Strijov V.V. | Paper Slides Code Paper2 |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 2 | Bilinearity of geometric product for the task of signal decoding | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Slides Code |
Grishanov Alexey | 2 | Application of Reinforcement Learning for recommendation system personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Slides, Сode |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Rustem Islamov | 1 | Basis Matters: Better Communication-Efficient Second Order Methods for Federated Learning | Richtarik P., Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Bishuk Anton | 1 | Controlled graph generation using the variational autoencoder model | Zukhba A.V. | Report |
Grebenkova Olga | 1 | Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia | Burnaev E | Report |
Filatov Andrei | 1 | Novel view synthesis | Lempitsky Victor | Slides Code |
Safiullin Robert | 1 | Multimodel representation of dynamic systems | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Pankratov Viktor | 1 | Topic balancing of topic models | Vorontsov K.V. | Code, Slides |
Shokorov Viacheslav | 1 | Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles | Vetrov D.P. | Report Code |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Mariya Gorpinich | 4 | Metaparameter optimization in knowledge distillation | Bakhteev O.Yu. | Code, Slides, Paper |
Vyacheslav Gorchakov | 4 | Importance Sampling Approach to Chance-Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow | Maximov Y.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Antonina Kurdyukova | 4 | Dimensionality reduction of the phase space in canonical correlation analisys | Strijov V.V., Isachenko R.V. | Code, Slides, Paper |
Anton Pilkevich | 4 | Optimization of the criterion given by the neural network model in the text detoxification task | Strijov V.V. (Popov A.S.) | Code, Slides,Paper |
Konstantin Yakovlev | 4 | Selection of concordant architectures with complexity control | Bakhteev O.Y. | Paper Code, Slides |
Khristolyubov Maxim | 4 | Approximation of the phase trajectory of the time series | Strijov V.V. | Paper Code, Slides |
2021 FALL
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate student | Year | PhD thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Andrey Grabovoy | 1 | A prior distribution of parameters in problems of choosing deep learning models | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Alina Samokhina | 1 | Continuous time representation for signal decoding | Strijov V.V. | Paper |
Tamaz Gadaev | 1 | Multilinear model choice in forecasting problem | Strijov V.V. | Paper |
Vasilii Novitskii | 1 | New Bounds for One-point Oracle in Stochastic Gradient-free Optimization | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper 1, Paper 2, Slides, Code |
Vasiliy Alekseev | 2 | Incompleteness and Instability of Topic Models | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper, Code, Slides1, Slides2 |
Polina Potapova | 2 | Topic modeling for multilingual topic search | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper |
Petr Ostroukhov | 3 | Tensor methods for optimization of convex functions | Gasnikov A.V. | Paper |
Denis Kuznetsov | 3 | Neural network models of dialogue on general topics | Burtsev M.S. | Paper |
Kamil Safin | 3 | Intrinsic methods for plagiarised texts detection | Chehovich Y.V. | Paper |
Ilia Zharikov | 4 | Neural network methods for document image recognition | Vorontsov K.V. | Paper |
Second Year Master Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Petr Mokrov | 2 | Wasserstein gradient flows: modeling and applications | Burnaev E.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Denis Tikhonov | 2 | Model selection for quasiperiodic time series forecasting | Strijov V.V. | Code, Slides |
Alexey Grigorev | 2 | Regularization of neural layer via construction of frame in parameter space | Gneushev A.N. | Slides, Code; Paper |
Natalia Varenik | 2 | Building a connectivity map of functional groups in the problem of decoding brain signals | Strijov V.V. | Paper Slides Code |
Severilov Pavel | 2 | Differential analysis of phase spaces in the problem of decoding signals | Strijov V.V. | Slides Code |
Panchenko Sviatoslav | 2 | Bilinearity of geometric product for the task of signal decoding | Strijov V.V. | Slides |
Grishanov Alexey | 2 | Application of Reinforcement Learning for recommendation system personalization | Vorontsov K.V. | Slides, Сode |
Kolesov Aleksandr | 2 | Adversarial approach for transfer learning | Bahteev O.Yu. | Paper, Slides, Сode |
First Year Master Students
Student | Year | Topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Rustem Islamov | 1 | Second Order Methods for Federated Learning | Richtarik P, Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Grebenkova Olga | 1 | Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia | Burnaev E | Paper, Code, Slides |
Safiullin Robert | 1 | Substance properties analysis based on its SERS spectra | Strijov V.V. | Report, Slides |
Pankratov Viktor | 1 | Topic balancing of topic models | Vorontsov K.V. | Report,Code |
Filatov Andrei | 1 | Task Discovery | Victor Lempitsky Strijov V.V. | Report |
Bishuk Anton | 1 | Controlled graph generation using the variational autoencoder model | Zukhba A.V. | Report |
Shokorov Viacheslav | 1 | Bootstrapping of neural network ensembles | Vetrov D.P. | Report Code |
Fourth Year Bachelor Students
Student | Year | Thesis topic | Scientific adviser | Link to publication |
Antonina Kurdyukova | 4 | Phase detection of human motions with signals of wearable devices | Strijov V.V. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Anton Pilkevich | 4 | Clustering of news text messages based on polar opinions | Vorontsov K.V. | |
Gorpinich Mariya | 4 | Metaparameter optimization in knowledge distillation | Bakhteev O.Yu. | Paper, Code, Slides |
Vyacheslav Gorchakov | 4 | Importance Sampling Approach to Chance-Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow | Maximov Y.V. | Paper, Code |
Konstantin Yakovlev | 4 | Selection of concordant architectures with complexity control | Bakhteev O.Y. | Code, Slides |