Alexey Grishanov
google scholar

I am a Phd student at Moscow Institute of Physics and Tecnhology (MIPT) and member of Sber AI Lab.

Professional interests: Recommender systems, Reinforcement Learning.


  1. Grishanov A., Ianina A., Vorontsov K. Multiobjective Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Based Recommender Systems // Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’22). Pp. 622–627.
  2. Artemiev A.*, Parinov D.*, Grishanov A.*, Borisov I., Vasilev A., Muravetskii D., Rezvykh A., Goncharov A., and Savchenko A. Leveraging Summarization for Unsupervised Dialogue Topic Segmentation // Findings of the NAACL 2024.
