Roman Isachenko

google scholar
He graduated from MIPT in 2018. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation on dimension reduction for signal decoding tasks in 2021, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He is an author of more than 6 scientific papers on data analysis and signal processing.
Professional interests: generative modelling, deep learning, signal processing.
Main publications
- Isachenko R., Yaushev F., Strijov V. (2021). Concordant models for latent space projections in forecasting. Systems and Means of Informatics, 31(1), 4–16.
- Isachenko R., Strijov V. (2018). Quadratic Programming Optimization with Feature Selection for Nonlinear Models. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 39(9), 1179–1187.
- Isachenko R., Zharikov I., Bochkarev A., Strijov V. (2018). Feature Generation for Physical Activity Classification. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 3: 20–27, 2018.